Business Ethics

Our employees are our most valuable asset. SUMATEC OIL & GAS TOO pays special attention to its values, creating a healthy working atmosphere, improving conditions both in the workplace and outside. Employees determine how SUMATEC OIL & GAS TOO delivers projects. The basic principle in the company is safety, and we are guided by the highest ethical standards and norms when conducting work. All company employees are involved in the development of corporate culture and ethical standards.

The SUMATEC OIL & GAS TOO Code of Business Ethics is the main guide for employees when executing projects and performing official duties when making ethical decisions. Employees must perform their duties honestly, in good faith and in accordance with applicable law.

The Code of Business Ethics was written with the help of our employees and has standards of conduct such as:

  • personal responsibility and discipline;
  • initiative;
  • open interaction;
  • desire for self-development;
  • trust and honesty;
  • mutual respect;
  • respect for confidentiality.
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