
SUMATEC OIL & GAS TOO is aware of its social responsibility and conducts policies with a focus on the development of communities and segments of the population.

Among the directions of social development, SUMATEC OIL & GAS TOO chose such areas as:

  • Support for childhood and youth
  • Training
  • Vulnerable groups
  • Ecology
  • Culture

SUMATEC OIL & GAS TOO supports children and youth sports events and organisations. Furthermore, our company offers scholarships on obtaining under-graduate or post-graduate degree based on excellent academic performance, work experience, outside appraisal and the results of selected competition.

SUMATEC OIL & GAS TOO helps children with disabilities and autism.

Being a major player in heavy industry, we are aware of the environmental impacts of industrial facilities and participate in activities to restore the flora and fauna of the region.

And of course, comprehensive support for cultural and sports events taking place in our country is for us an integral part of the policy of support and development of the population.

Focusing on such areas as health, environment, culture and education allows us to educate in ourselves and those around us the awareness of the need for mutual assistance and joint contribution to a healthy, sustainable and reasonable future.

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The consistent growth of our upstream Oil and Gas operating and refinery activities have attracted constant buyers from all over the world.