Health And Safety

Aspects of labor safety, health protection and environmental protection are the most significant value on the way to the overall success of SUMATEC OIL & GAS TOO. Work on ensuring safety, health and environmental protection (HSE) in SUMATEC OIL & GAS TOO is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, departmental codes of the relevant legal and regulatory and technical acts, as well as the Company Policy in quality management systems, ecology, occupational safety and health. The company’s policy is aimed at continuous improvement of activities in the field of occupational safety, health and environmental protection by:

  • Strict observance of the Labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan regarding labor protection;
  • Definitions of a unified procedure for the preparation and implementation of decisions on the implementation of organizational, technical and sanitary-preventive measures aimed at ensuring safe and healthy working conditions;
  • Work planning on labor protection;
  • Accounting, analysis and evaluation of indicators of the state of labor protection;
  • Safety education and promotion of labor protection;
  • Involvement of each employee of the company, as well as partners and contractors in the management of occupational safety and health.

In 2018, Safety 360 program was introduced. The purpose of this program is to improve operational processes, as well as to enhance the safety culture at all locations and objects

This program describes processes that require special attention, sets out the basic rules for safety, the observance of which will prevent accidents.

The Safety 360 program is an integral important part of the Company’s Strategy, and its observance is mandatory. The Health Safety and Environment (HSE) program is the highest priority of KGNT. The philosophy of the company is that ALL INCIDENTS ARE PREVENTABLE.

Each employee plays a key role in creating a safe and healthy workplace. On a weekly basis, on Thursdays, the company hosts driver meetings to discuss safety and driving precautions.

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